
Curriculum  Vitae


Name :Bahram  Hanafi

Date of birth: 21 March 1966



1999: M.A in Research of Art from Tarbiat Modarres University Tehran. Thesis: Analysis Study of Darvish Abdul Madjid Taleqani’s Works (1729-1764 A.C . an Iranian Calligrapher)

1994: B.A .Handicraft degree from Art University Tehran. Thesis: Imagination and Experience in Broken Calligraphical Script.(Shekaste)

1990: Graduated from Iranian Calligraphers Association.

1987: Teaching degree from Art Teacher’s Institute.

1985: Graduated from Foroughi High School.



2017: Group Expo (Seyhoon Gallery)

2017:Group Expo (7negah- Niyavaran Art Center)

2017: A‌ward winner for visual arts(8th Research & Ethics)

2016: Gorup Expo (Sofia Gallery London)

2016: Group Expo (7negah- Niyavaran Art Center)

2016: Tehran Auction (Espinas Plus Hotel)

2016: 16th SoloExpo(Mojdeh Art Gallery)

2016: Persian Blue(Ahvaz Museum of Contemporary Art)

2016: Group Expo(Mojdeh Gallery)

2016: Group Expo(7negah-Niyavaran Art center)

2016: Peace Festival(Niavaran Artistic Creation Foundation)

2015:Bonhams Auction.April

2015: Group Expo(Mojdeh Gallery)

2015:Group Expo(Mahjobi Art House)

2014: Group Expo(7negah-Niyavaran Art center)

2014: WFP Exhibition (Niavaran Artistic Creation Foundation)

2014: Group Expo (Rafsanjan-Iran)

2014: Workshop (Rafsanjan-Iran)

2014:  Ultimat Situation(Mojde Gallery)

2014: Group Expo(Middle East Gallery)

2013: : Group Expo(Shirin Gallery-Saman Bank treasure)

2013: Group Expo(Kerman & Rafsanjan Cities with Mojdeh Gallery)

2o13: Group Expo(Sareban Gallery)

2013: Group Expo( Mah Art Gallery)

2013: Group Expo (Artists House Tehran)

2013: Group Expo in Calligraphy-painting(Pardis-Mellat)

2013: Group Expo in Visual Arts in 3 Age (Art Center)

2013:Group Expo in Calligraphy-painting(seyhoun Gallery)

2013: Exposition in Calligraphy-painting(Mah ArtGallery)

2012: Group Expo (2th expo -Tehran -Vahdat Hall

2012: Group Expo(7negah-Niyavaran Art center)

2012: Group Expo(Art Center-Tehran)

2012: Group Expo( Mirage Hotel .Dubai)

2012: Workshop in Shahre-kord,Iran

2011: Group Expo (Dubai)

2011: Exposition in Calligraphy-painting(Sareban gallery)

2011: Group Expo (Sareban gallery)

2011: Group Expo (Art Center Tehran)

2011: Group Expo (Sareban gallery)

2011: Workshop & Judgment in Isfahan-Iran

2010: Exposition in Calligraphy-painting(Mina gallery)

2010: Group Expo (Pardis mellat Tehran)

2008: Exposition of ” 2th  Expo in Iran”

2008:Group Expo 50 Artist (Mah Art Gallery,Tehran)

2008:Group Expo (Art Fair, Dubai)

2008: Exposition in Calligraphy-painting(Vali Gallery, Tehran)

2008: Group Expo (Niavaran Caltural House, Tehran)

2007: 800th Anniversary of Molavi(Rumi)(Meriland University. USA)

2007: Group Exhibition ( Naghsh-e- Jahan Callery, Tehran)

2007: Group Expo (Niavaran Caltural House, Tehran)

2006: Rumi’s Poems -Calligraphy Exhibition (Seyhoun Gallery, LA, USA)

2005: Exposition in Calligraphy”One Gouplet – One Exhibition”(Vali Gallery, Tehran)

2005: Exposition in Iranian Calligraphy-Group Exhibition (Bangladesh)

2004: Exposition of ” First Expo in Iran” ( Vahdat Concert Hall, Tehran)

2004: Exposition of “Calligraphers with Modern Approaches”(Khiyal Cultural Center, Tehran, Iran)

2003:  Exposition in Calligraphy (Vali Gallery, Tehran)

2003: Exposition in Calligraphy (Senegalia-Italy)

2002: Exposition in Calligraphy (Vali Gallery, Tehran)

2001: Lecture and Exposition in Calligraphy: on subject “Transformation and Thought in Iranian Calligraphy”. (Shriaty University, Tehran)

2001: Expiation of Contemporary Iranian Painting. (Doha, Qatar)

2000: Lecture and Exposition in Calligraphy on “Roots of Shekasteh Script” (Bahman Cultural House)

1999: Exposition in Calligraphy. (Nagsh-e-Jahan Gallery)

1998: Lecture and Exposition in Calligraphy. (Gorgon City)

1998: Exposition in Calligraphy. (Bahman Cultural House)

1998: Collective Exposition in Calligraphy (In Commemoration of S.A.A.Golestaneh), Cultural and Art Organization, Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Etc

1996-7: Collective Exposition in Arts .Four Festivals with title: Islamic Reflections in Mirror of Art. (Bahman Cultural House, Tehran)

1997: Exposition in Calligraphy. (Iranian Club ,Dubai)

1996: Collective Exposition in Calligraphy (Anniversary of Darvish Abdomajid Taleqani )

1996: Collective Exposition in Calligraphy. (First Festival in Calligraphy of Islam World, Tehran).

1996: Exposition in Calligraphy. (Seyhoon Gallery)

1995: Employed as manuscript expert in” Golestan Palase”, Specialty: Reading, Dating, Rewriting the script from all Periods of Islam in Iran and other countries

1995: Exposition in Calligraphy (Kandolus Gallery, Tehran)

1995-6: Propagandistic Advisor of Yazd Tier & Rubber Company

1994 up to Now: Teaching at some universities: Sepehr University of Isfahan , Art University, Sureh University, A college of art affiliated to University of Tehran, University of Zahedan City, ELM-o- FARHANG University of Tehran, Technical and Professional University of Tehran. Teaching specialty: Calligraphy& Typography, Letter Designing, Persian Arts, History of Art and Analysis of Art Works, Professional Design in Iranian Arts.

1994: Exposition in Calligraphy (Seyhoon Gallery, Tehran)

1992: Exposition in Calligraphy. (Art University Tehran)

1985 up to now: Teaching History of Art and Applied Art at different Art High Schools and Official Teaching Institutes in Iran.


Most of my researches are about “Book Making” and related arts. (Like; Calligraphy, Painting, Illustration …). Also studying Motives of Islamic Arts (Like: Architecture, Carpet, Metal Works …), And finally a research in Theoretical and Philosophical Ideas in Iran’s Art in Islamic.